The community of San Pedro Yepocapa in Chimaltenango, Guatemala, has been forced to literally rise from the ashes again and again. Sitting at the base of Fuego Volcano, the town has been partially destroyed more than once. Yet, the community perseveres – just like its students. In fact, the middle school there, Aldea Buena Vista, has 350 students who come to school every day eager to learn and create opportunities for themselves and their families.

In 2018, the Guatemala Literacy Project (GLP) helped bring the Rise Youth Development Program to the school. This has made it possible for 105 students to continue their education past the sixth grade, with 37 more starting in 2023. Among those students is Katerine. Katerine’s mother is a homemaker and only went to school until 2nd grade; Katerine’s father is a bricklayer. Katerine helps support the family by selling candies and bread in front of their house in the afternoons, doing homework at night, then working again in the morning before attending school. Even though it is difficult, she doesn’t give up. “My parents support me in my studies, and they want me to fight for my dreams,” she says.

Katerine will receive the help she needs to stay in school, thanks to supporters like you. However, there is more we can do to improve the quality of her education. Her school has repeatedly requested textbooks through the GLP. However, because there are so many students (350 kids = 1400 books), it has been hard to find space in the Global Grant.

With your help, THIS will be the year. Your support of the 22-23 Global Grant (GG #2238721) can help bring the Textbook Program to Aldea Buena Vista School and many others. With the addition of textbooks, you will make it possible for Katerine and her friends to comprehend more information, improve their critical thinking skills, and achieve heights they never even fathomed.

Want to help make the Textbook Program a reality for this community and more?