Dear Fellow Rotarian: 

The past two years have been challenging for all of us. The COVID-19 pandemic has thrown our world into chaos. One of the less obvious—yet still heartbreaking—consequences of the pandemic has been the impact on children, especially those in poverty. According to UNICEF, “The COVID-19 pandemic has been the biggest threat to progress for children in our 75-year history. In less than two years, 100 million more children have fallen into poverty.”¹

Improving the quality of education in developing countries like Guatemala has never been more important. That’s why we are so incredibly thankful for all of the Rotary clubs and districts who make up the Guatemala Literacy Project (GLP) family. In this past year, you contributed a total of $568,327 to the GLP!² Please click here to go directly to the 2022 GLP Annual Report.

How has the GLP pivoted to ensure children in Guatemala could continue learning—even in the middle of a pandemic? Read on to learn more about the adaptations and improvements to the GLP’s signature programs of textbooks, computer centers, primary reading, and youth development. Despite the challenges of COVID-19, your support is enabling us to serve 8,495 Guatemalan children and teachers this year. 

In addition, the following report includes details about the most recently completed GLP activities (spanning multiple Global Grants):

  • A complete list of clubs, districts, and matching funds that helped make Global Grant #2124415 a success. THANK YOU to the 131 clubs and 22 districts who contributed in the past year!
  • A list of Rotarians and clubs supporting Rise Scholars and other program sponsorships.
  • A list of beneficiaries, photos, & thank you letters from the Textbook, Computer, Spark, and Rise Programs that are benefiting from your support of the GLP.
  • Financial reports on Global Grant spending in the past two years.

The world needs each and every one of us to answer UNICEF’s call to “build back stronger by ensuring quality education, protection and good mental health for every child.”³ The GLP invites you to join us in 2022-2023 to:

  • Fill out this form TODAY to pledge your club’s support for the 2022-2023 Guatemala Literacy Project Global Grant—the 50th Rotary Foundation grant to benefit the GLP since 1997!
  • Get books and computers into the hands of students by sponsoring a scholar in the GLP’s Rise Youth Development Program. (If your club has supported GLP Global Grants for years, this is also a great way to connect your club’s support with an individual child who you are helping!)
  • Join the GLP Project Tour to Guatemala from February 4-12, 2023, with special guest RI President Jennifer Jones!

Thank you again for all that we have accomplished, together. As Rotarians from all over the world, we have proven that even in the midst of a global pandemic, we can still make a difference in Guatemala. 

Yours in Rotary, 

Colin Thacker  
GLP Advisory Board Chair | Rotary Club of North Bay, ON |

P.S. – Please share this report, with your fellow Rotary club members and district leaders. We want everyone in your club and district to know the impact you have made on these children in Guatemala.  

¹ UNICEF, “Preventing a Lost Decade,” December 2021.
² The total amount of $568,327 includes matching funds from The Rotary Foundation.
³ UNICEF, “Preventing a Lost Decade,” December 2021.